
Monday, October 22, 2012

Our Trip to the Fire Station

It sure was fabulous being able to talk to you all at parent teacher conferences!  I am so happy to be back in the swing of things; and finally making this first blog post makes me feel like I am back in action! :)

We are super busy learning a lot of new things.  We are finishing up a unit on the season of Fall.  We will be doing pumpkin activities this upcoming week.  I can't wait until we count how many seeds are in a pumpkin.  Will our pumpkin float or sink?  :)  In math we are beginning to focus on writing and recognizing numbers 5-10.  Next week we will be beginning learning about graphs and continuing to practice Tally Marks.  Our new sight words so far are see, on, can, to.  Book-It has begun.  It is so very important to read to your child as much as you can.  Have them point out the high frequency words we've been working on, as well as try to blend simple consonant-vowel-consonant words you come across.  :)

October is fire safety month.  We have been learning about fire safety.  We took a trip to the fire station.  It was a fabulous tour and the kids learned a lot!  Their homework was to go home and tell you to change the batteries in your smoke alarm.  I am curious if they did it! :)

Getting ready to watch the firemen shoot water from the hose.

 It was SO EXCITING!!  Look at our faces!

We ended up getting a little wet! :)
We learned about fire safety.  Do you have a family meeting spot outside?  Stop-Drop-Roll!

Firemen aren't scary!  They are there to help us.

We saw all of the things on the firetruck!

Look how big the wheel on the firetruck is!!!

If there is an accident and you are hurt,  you might be put on this board to stabilize your body in order to transport you safely to hospital.  This little guy was so brave!

A tour of the truck!  One of these trucks cost more than a million dollars!

They had to pull this to a fire by hand in the 1920's to help put out the fire.  Water and baking soda were mixed in here!  This was actually used in Colona!
We are SOOOO cute in our fire hats!!!!!

Thank you so much to the Colona firemen... and all firemen!  We got a FABULOUS tour!!!!  Thanks for stopping by the blog!  Until next time!

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